Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Minor Forest / Panoply Academy Glee Club - A Benefit for the Midwest Books for Prisoners Project (1997)

A cool little split 7" that I know very little about. A Minor Forest was from San Francisco and I have no idea where Panoply Academy was from. Both have stellar band names. This is that sweet spot of catchy indie-emo hybrid rock that gets criminally overlooked. When folks online or in publications talk about the great music of the 90's, it is almost always bands from 90-96. But of course, there was crossbreeding going on between genres and new soundscapes being conjured up at about this time. A Minor Forest's song is called Armigh is a Hovercraft; it's a cool spacey tune in the vein of Duster or Three Mile Pilot. It goes in and out of noisy clutter, like a cassette tape being run through a winter blizzard. The Panoply Academy song is called Camp Keep the Quiet. It reminds me of Shudder to Think with additional instruments. The bass leads this song from start to finish while the guitars echo around in the background. I plan to look into both band's discographies more. Very dank stuff.

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