Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Usurp Synapse/Neil Perry - The Chilling Tale Of Usurp Synapse As Told By Neil Perry (2000)


Prepare your earholes, this ain't your grandma's screamo. No, this isn't black makeup, fishnets, and skinny jeans screamo. This is Usurp Synapse and Neil Perry vying for the Apeshit Rock Band Heavy Weight Title of the World. First up on this beautiful 7" is Usurp Synapse - one of the most intimidating bands of all time. The sounds of a werewolf breaking into an unsuspecting cabin for a midnight snack. Yes, Usurp Synapse has it all, a John C Reilly sample, illegal filthy riffing, a drummer who can't stop playing, and lots and lots of guttural violent screaming that would make a black metal band blush. The lyrics are something else too.

"The fumes whisper in as the pin is set in place. scroll back zoom out echoes of strummer. tangled in the process circuitry revealed by the grinding default and error eyes water joints go weak"


How do you follow up something like that? The answer is Neil Perry, the bastard cousin of Usurp Synapse, complete with muffled audio samples, diabolical guitars, and a singer on the verge of shitting his pants. Neil Perry does longer songs than Usurp, but the mood is quite similar: angry. But there is still a tongue and cheek sense of humor that makes this record special - it isn't just a Debbie Downer sadboi kind of a deal, in fact the whole thing could be a joke if I didn't know any better. Neil Perry's last song is titled "Josh's Dream Party; Beer, Girls, And A Computer." Bands like these are decisive and not everyone will enjoy blasting raw rage into their ears. Nonetheless, those of us who enjoy the occasional outburst can do no better than these two entities.       

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